Monday, May 2, 2011


So, the dodu baby blog is getting a makeover...and who doesn't L.O.V.E a makeover!?!

I have many friends who are wildly successful at being bloggers...I am inspired and well, frankly, want the dodu baby blog to be more entertaining as well as a good resource, or at the very least - a rewarding distraction during your day.

That being said, and taking after those blogs that I drool over day in and day out...I am going to get organized and bring you a variety of fun topics all based around my life as a new mom; the chaos, the hilarious, and (relaxing sigh) the calm.

I'm so excited for the next few posts...the week of what Nina is wearing, the blog crawl and giveaway (SUPER EXCITING), and much, much more!

Stay tuned!

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