Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Anti-blogger Blog...

I lost my motivation for blogging, what can I say, I got bored!! My apologies to those of you who checked back and kept seeing the old post about a TV show that isn't even on anymore...

So, I could do a quick catch up list of what has happened since my last blog, but I won't. Instead I pose this question...I am looking for a GIANT typography calendar. I totally have it in my head that I want one, and I can't seem to find what I am looking for. Does anyone know where I could find something like this??

Next, can we please talk about how I am addicted to "The Hills." It is true. I am creeping closer and closer to 30, and I am still totally, utterly, loving this TV show...Is this a problem? (Wait, don't answer that.)


Robertsons said...

Glad to know you are back...I like reading your blog. Steve

Eileen said...

I am having a hard time seeing the calendar in your head...if I get a vision I will let you know if I know where to get one! hee hee

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