Wednesday, April 15, 2009

sisKARL and Ebert...

Redbox...have you tried it? I got the big idea to try this little adventure once again setting aside the memory that the last time I did this, the $1 movie rental of 27 Dresses cost me $8. Hmmph.

I picked out a few from what was available. Apparently it is big with folks here in we waited in a long line OUTSIDE for this whole escapade. Sidenote: it is still not spring here and I can only imagine the outdoor easter egg hunts last weekend must have been brutal. Anywhooo, so I got a few movies trying to get some that I would like and some Jeff would like, since typically he only like "boy movies."

Skipping ahead...

How to choose the movie you ask? Well Jeff came up with a GREAT idea that I think we enjoyed, however I think Karl enjoyed it the most!! As I held Karl. Jeff set up the movies (in cases) on the kitchen floor and set a piece of fresh turkey atop each movie. Karl is quite obedient when it comes to the end result of food in his belly, so I made him sit, shake, give me kisses...then off he went. The first piece of turkey he consumed, was the movie we would watch first...and so on. It was brilliant!!

Karl looks a bit depressed in this you can see he only has a measly milkbone to chew on...when he is I'm sure thinking...GIVE ME MORE TURKEY!!!!

1 comment:

Krista and Jeff said...

you did know you can actually get those movies for free right? Ask your smart sisters how if you don't know!

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