Friday, March 27, 2009

There is a new doorman in the building...

This is who greeted me at the door last night.

I came face-to-face with this giant ALIEN city rat who was not letting me "pass go" (nor did I want to). I waved my arms around and shook my bags thinking it would scurry off while having a high level of fear it would leap onto my face and I would get mauled and come out with one less eye and a bad case of RABIES.

I decided the best approach would be to carefully back down the stairs and use another entrance. I checked on it occassionally (every 5 seconds) to see the progress, but that guy sat out there until I finally went to bed. Most people would get a broom and chase it away. Instead, I had a photoshoot with just my arm reaching out of the door. He posed quite nicely, don't you think? Sorry the pictures are a bit dark, but I did what I could in the situation...

Did I fail to mention that there is a man two houses down that raises them. Oh yes, he tries to get the kids in the neighborhood to come and pet them….Ewwwwww!!! I was tempted to go knock on his door and tell him, he lost one of his "cute as a button" pets, however I was afraid he might pull me in through the front door and I would never been seen or heard of again.

I love the city.


Allison said...

Oh my gross. I am impressed you braved opening the door at all...even if your arm was the only thing exposed.

Robertsons said...

lol...ure a crack up!

JTK said...


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