Thursday, March 12, 2009

A GIANT brownie blew up in Chi-town....

Hold on to your hats chocolate lovers...

I was downtown last evening after work, and I swear to you on um...something very important...The whole city smelled like BROWNIES!! No joke.

You know how in New York City, every 10 feet smells of something different. On a good block you smell a cinnamon pretzel, on a bad block you smell urine or hot dirty sweatshirt...well, I would venture to say that most cities are the same in that way. You can smell 100 different things on your journey from work to get a Subway sandwich, which has a whole "yeasty" smell of its own...(don't like it one bit, however the sandwiches are d'lish).

Well, you can imagine my utter surprise and pleasure, to find that although I am not a chocoholic like some I know (but will remain know who you are) I was LOVING the fact that I felt like I ate an entire 9x12 pan of chocolaty brownies, by the time I got to my destination, but had none of the caloric intake. I mean, I could be as skinny as a rail if the city keeps this up.

I can't wait to see what sort of "smell/tasting" treat is on the city menu tonight!!

Thanks is all for now.

Funny thing is that I dreamt about brownies last night...


Maren said...

I'll put my name on it...I'm a chocoholic. They tell me the first step is admitting I have a problem.

Molly Hickcox said...

I'm sorry to disappoint you Maren, but I think Josi was talking about me :) I think my obsession with the stuff is considered a medical condition at this point...

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